Full of shit

(Adj.) 1. Saying untrue, unreliable, incorrect, made up, often nonsensical and unbelievable lies to try to make oneself not look like a giant piece of shit. (see also piece of shit, bullshit artist) 2. One who is undependable, unreliable, fake, untrue, a straight up liar 3. Constipated to the point your eyes turn brown and breath reeks of fecal matter. (Verb) to be- 1. To make promises, plans, or claims all the while knowing damn well you will never follow through. (see also blow smoke) 2. To be too afraid to be honest & say it like it is because one is soft. Not unlike a scared little girl.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Full of shit. Some of the top words include: ain't holding no air, the, kayfabe, owa, Sketchy, and 25 more.